Tuesday, August 23, 2005


Travelling to more than one destination, one country is exhilerating and empowering at times. Other moments tap into feelings you thought you never had in you. Its difficult to adjust.

Lonliness is a feeling with different forms, I think. The obvious, being completely alone. The worst, feeling alone when you're surrounded by people. It gets even more challenging when you look like the minority. I can't wait! You can't help but experience this feeling while on a journey. It is ok to have this feeling just as it is ok to feel love & anger. How we deal with them is the importance.

Other feelings creep up for each traveller. I've heard some have a lost feeling, asking themselves in isolation, "What am I doing?". Some travellers I've seen don't let go of things they have from home. It is a complex groove that you must find for yourself. For me, it has been a challenge to just acknowledge the feeling as it comes up and see what it is and where it comes from. This process takes up much time and energy. That's all I have now. How are we supposed to do this when we have a job?

Another version encountered whilst traveling from place to place is that feeling of meeting other travellers with whom you can enjoy their company. Some are from other countries. Most speak English. If you're lucky, one or two live down the street from you at home (just happened!) Then, you part ways - and it's almost always suddenly. Before you know it, you have 22 white pieces of paper in your bag with nothing but email addresses written on them and a new traveller moving into the bed they just left. Again, you go through the hellos, where are you from, how long are you traveling and voilá, a new person to hang out with, if you like! However, it is strange to have people come in and out of your life so rapidly. Some you might see again. Others you may completely forget. Moments you spend together may have a special or magical quality to them - you almost always don't realize that until later. No other style of life breeds this flow except travelling.


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