Saturday, August 06, 2005


So I got me a bike yesterday. Bought it from this guy that does not speak English and my German sucks. We managed through the used bike process. It definitely has character. Fortunately a friend of his strolled along and happened to know English. We negotiated the deal after I gave him a list of things to fix and there you have it.

It's a Bianche mountain bike - definitely needs some love. I have no idea if it's a good brand but I seem to recognize the name. I realized that I no longer know anything about mountain bikes anymore. I think I took my mtn bike maintenance class back before the advent of Starbucks, if that gives you any clue. I paid 180€ for it and he wrote a note claiming to give me 50€ back at the end of the month. Great deal I think as this is an excellent town to get around in on a bike. All the other bikes I looked at yesterday were upwards of 800€ - used! I found one for the net proceeds of 240€, certainly nicer than mine but no attitude at all.


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