Tuesday, July 26, 2005

The Best

Can you tell I'm trying to catch up. . .
So, I arrived on Santorini Island after a bruttle 8 hour ferry ride on 7/23. Known for it's beauty, this island has some fantastic views. The history of this island is incredible - several major earthquakes that have changed the shape of the island including around 1650 bc, a colossal volcanic eruption caused the centre of Strongili to sink leaving a caldera with high cliffs. Some archaeologists speculate that it destoyed the entire Minoan civilisation as well as other claims that the island was part of the mythical lost continent of Atlantis (Lonely Planet). Whatever has happened has left beautiful views - kind of like the beautiful Lotus flower that can only grow in mud. What's more amazing to me is that now you can see that these people have built towns straight on the edge of this caldera with hundreds of meters below of sheer drop-off. In my opinion, even the simplest quake would topple these homes right down into the ocean. They are beautiful never the less.

The most enjoyable part of my visit has been my accommodations :) It is a hotel with a sea water swimming pool close to the black pebble beach. Nice place. Clean. But most of all are the family owners! Greeks. The nicest people I've met in a long time. They are so nice, accommodating, and everything the husband says has the phrase, "The Best" in it. For instance he might say, "Hello my beautiful friend. How is your stay going in The Best hotel on Santorini Island?" Myself and some of the other people now are saying, "The Best" after our sentences, or whatever - it's a crack up! I love it. Tonight is my last night and I will miss the ease with which life here is led.

Tomorrow I move over to Oia (ee-ah) just 20 min north of here where it is picture postcard perfect views of the caldera with all the building in white with sky blue domes. And the sunsets are apparently "The Best".

BTW, I had the best Bakklava ever today. And the gyros here are to die for. The Greek salads are huge, fresh, and they serve them with a humongous SLAB of Feta cheese on top - like a slab of concrete. The Best!


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