Friday, June 17, 2005

What's next?

So, my next move after spending way too much time in England is Portugal! Don't get me wrong, there's alot to see here and I have just began to touch the surface but for my needs, I must move on.

I'm off to my first place of the trip where I don't know the language - or very minimal. I've heard many great things about Portugal especially that the people are very nice. I must tell you all that this will be muito welcomed! I am tired of London and all the rudeness that it affords. I don't blame them - this place breeds upon itself this manner in which people act. Stepping in front of another to gain an edge, cutting you off, shoulder rubbing - does any know how to say, excuse me anymore? If you aren't assertive, you'll get left behind.

And how about a fan? Geesh! I finally saw my first fan today in a very nice cafe in the Stamford Brook neighborhood where I've been staying. It's not super hot here but it's been sultry and humid for the past few days. This is interesting to me - the weather has actually been very mild and nice here/cool. However, none of these buildings have ventilation of any kind. The tube station is worse. Poor people ride for upwards of 30 minutes in these cars - no wonder they're rude.

Yesterday I got onto the tube to catch a ride home. As we all hopped on to the busy train, a lady said to a young girl, perhaps a relative or friend, "This isn't America - you have to fend for yourself here". They both were English. Yea, I don't think my Dad would like it here.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

From Dad
Dear Lora,I am truly sorry I missed your phone call today. Actually I may have been in the garqage, after this I will take a phone with me. I try to watch your blog daily so if you know ahead of time that you will be calling let me know & if I get the message I will be sure to try to be available. Keep safe.
Love Dad

5:06 PM  
Blogger lora said...

Thanks Dad - worries. It just so happened I had a little bit of time left on a phone. Take care.

7:11 AM  
Blogger lora said...

Shut - thatºs supposed to read, no worries, not "worries".

7:12 AM  

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