Thursday, June 09, 2005

Oh Dear

Living with a family invoked many things for me let alone the fact that I was in Nottingham, England. More civilized. Scheduled days, meals, activities. Quite a change for me. I really loved every minute of it especially the experience of what it's like to have a baby around. Woah! I really want to congratulate both Emma & Rob for doing such a fabulous job on raising a child. Everything from their excellent care to what they feed her (avocados, other vegis, yams, and even nice little desserts) - just all around good care with a little bit of spoiling, but really healthy if you ask me. She is going to grow into a special young lady!

I encountered many reflections upon my childhood from this experience that had quite an impact on me. Memories that I had since forgotten. Even just simple things like remembering some of my childhood clothing and pajamas. My childhood dinner plate. Expressions that I said or my family said when I was little such as my uncle's humour, my nickname lalu, the many hats I would wear - at the same time, one on top of each other. Childhood pictures, activities and games I played such as light bright, lincoln logs & all my cool cars. I loved the puzzle I had which was of each state of the U.S. And above everything, all the attention you get as a child. I remember having that awareness of getting talked about with family and friends and I do remember my Dad being so proud of me and telling people this. I can still feel what that felt like back then - just through the time spent with little Emily. It's such a special feeling.

All the fun times we had together - me and my Dad. Whistling in the car and singing all those childhood songs like "Old McDonald" & some I don't know the names of but could repeat. I even can remember the tongue twisters I learned back then - Betty Baughter & Theofolus Thistle. Learning how to throw a football, catching softball grounders out on our gravel road, shot hot shots with my sister's leather basketball, learning how to put a golf ball, trying to fly the cool war model airplane - the green one with the teeth; we never did get that thing to fly. Too bad we didn't incorporate the frisbee. Oh and all that wonderful baking I did as a kid - loaves of molasses bread, chocolate cakes, monkey bread, cookies all the time - I loved baking new recipes. I was especially proud of my first garden and growing Marigolds. Life was great in my childhood until my interests started to separate from my Dad's. I wonder if that's part of the struggle I still have; hmmmm (scratching my head).

Having a child is hard work as everyone knows - but now, I know. Reminds me of the responsibility I have with my animals and the love that goes with it. Unconditional love is so heavy and has such depth and dimension. How can you describe it but that it just embellishes life almost as if every flavor you taste is as deep as you could ever have imagined. Unmeasurable and without limit except to say that it IS unconditional. No wonder so many people are scared of it.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

chica! sorry i haven´t commented til now. my trip is winding down to a close, so i have a full day here in antigua with no plans, so here i am at one of the myriad internet cafes. they´re playing music that i can see you dancing to... i hope to go dancing tonight. haven´t been at all yet!

i enjoyed reading the few blog entries you´ve made. ah, it´s a sunny rain right now in the streets of antigua, just started. rain hitting a turqoise car in front of a red building.

i hope to read your blog more often once i get back home! glad to hear you´re enjoying yourself and all your experiences. so, do you want to have a baby when you get back after time with emily?

1:07 PM  
Blogger lora said...

Absolutely not! Babies take two people - that was definitely clear to me! Why, would you like to have one with me ;)

2:38 PM  
Blogger bdvankeuren said...

SO SCARED. But I have a hunch you already knew that about me.

2:13 AM  

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