Sunday, May 29, 2005

Dublin in a snap

I flew from Glasgow to Dublin on 5/21, I believe. Travel here is so different to America in that a complete culture change can and will occur within one hour's flight.

Again, my first night's hostel experience was blecky - didn't help the bus driver dropped me off at the wrong stop and I got lost within my first hour of arrival. Typical. I ended up staying at a place called Four Courts hostel down on the south bank of the Liffey. Looked really close to everything on the map - not the case as I later figured out. Female dorm they told me on the phone -not so (among other items reported like free internet). You'd expect this kind of crap from a 3rd world country but not Ireland! Some of you will appreciate - I went down to "appropriately" report to the front desk person that there must be some misunderstanding - my room seems to have men in it! She told me yes, this is true - on the weekends we need the space so we give up some of the beds in all the rooms to men. I informed her that this is not what she told me on the phone and that she should have been honest with me. I think a year ago I would have been fuming about this and "went off" on her but what good would that have done? I really felt good about how I handled it. I'll try not to care whether she changes her behavior ;) However, I learned something from it as well - be flexible when you can. (1 pt for Lora; 0 LFT)


Blogger bdvankeuren said...

At least the trains/buses in Europe come within the hour they're supposed to! Keep the flexibility rollin' because if crazy stuff can happen - it will! I am SUCH a more relaxed person since starting travel in Asia. If that didn't change I would have had a stroke by now.

3:42 AM  

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