Friday, June 10, 2005


Nottingham primarily consisted of relaxation however, I did manage to see some sights/activities. Soon after arriving, we drove to Emma's parents house near Warwick (War-ick) and had a proper Sunday dinner. This includes a roast, loads of vegitables, of course potatoes, custard & Yorkshire Pudding! I was astonished to discover her mother, Jean, also made desserts! Woah! Was she expecting the cavalry? Or was she just expecting a hungry American. The whole meal was lovely but the desserts were divine! Thanks.

My visit was great. They have a very nice back yard with lovely flowers and trees, three cats & my favorite of all, a thirty-five yr old Tortoise named, George. He roams free in the back yard and then has a little home when he sleeps. That was pretty cool, I thought. hmmm, how could I have a tortoise in my yard - the wheels were clicking as you can imagine but no worries - I'm keeping the farm as is.

We took a walk in the neighborhood afterwards and I was escorted by her father with historical leads. Very quaint area. Nice swans, The Avon, horses, buttercups, Rhodendrums abound. . . Very peaceful.

Later in the week, Emma took me to The Peak National park (correct me if I'm wrong with the name) for a nice hike with Emily. Nice place and it felt great to get out for it was a beautiful day. We also visited Stratford - Shakespeare's birth place & his wife's house which was actually pretty impressively conserved.

I've been introduced to some new foods which I'd like to share. Elderflower cordial. This is a very nice concentrate of this flower which you add to sparkling water - super smooth and refreshing. I wish I could bring some home. The yogart here is wonderful - I could eat this stuff every day - Yeo Valley Black Currant is my favorite. I think I'm finally getting tired of chicken Tikka - a mild Indian flavor they add to chicken to make like a chicken salad or rice dish. Cheese is also really yummy here. Emma even had some kind of greek cream cheese - very nice with smoked salmon. Well, I ate like a queen at Emma & Rob's, to say the least. I can't shake these hobnobbs though: scrumcious oat cookies! They even come with chocolate too. Oh, and the chocolate/carmel covered shortbread - keep your hands away or I'll cut them off. That stuff is sinful. I'm sure I'm forgetting something.

One of my last night's in Nottingham was spent bar hopping with Emma and local mates of her's. Very nice gentlemen, they were. We had a great time drinking and taking taxis around town. My favorite place was the oldest pub in England (so they tell you - I guess there's more than one in England), Ye Olde Trip to Jerusalem is her name from 1189:
Was a pretty cool place especially since it's in the side of the rock/cave. I really liked it. Here's a blurb from the website:

We are told the Trip to Jerusalem is so called because the Crusaders, if not Lion-hearted Richard himself, dropped off there to grab a quick pint of Kimberley Mild on the way to rid the Holyland of the heathens. This may be so, although Richard spent little time in England.
In fact the word "trip" does not mean a journey in this case. An old meaning for trip is a stop on a journey, like being tripped up, so the inn’s name means a stop or rest on the way to Jerusalem.



Blogger bdvankeuren said...

I can see Malik now in the back yard waggin his tail with a tortoise in his mouth!

11:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

from DAD
Got you blog address from Velda so now I am tuned-in. Thank you for the b-day greeting it is really good to hear from you. Please be safe. Love Dad

7:22 PM  

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