Monday, July 04, 2005


Ears up, party people. If youºre looking for a place to party without worrying about time, youºve come to the right place. it is here that I found what could be construed as a major underground paradise for those of us who love electronica. Iºm certain that with more time I could find even better, more deeper sounds than what Iºve discovered thus far but even with what I heard, my soul was rebourne again!

The Portuguese are late starters - with anything; you name it, food (dinner at 9 or 10), sleep, work (maybe start at 10 a.m.), siesta, drinking, and yes, partying. I headed out one evening later than I wanted, 11;30 p.m. By the time I got to Lisbon, it was almost 1. I walked around the Bairro Alto area, known for itºs block upon block of partying and was amazed at the activity, including itºs nature. Bars in this area are abundant but small. So small that everyone just stands outside in the narrow, cobble-stoned streets with their drinks, socializing and wandering around to the next place. It was massive. These particular streets feel more like a clean alley with latin character - they bore happiness and liveliness but without stupid drunkiness that I could find. I moved on from here to a dance club called Lux which had been recommended to me by several. Quite a bit different than those we have in the U.S. in that for starters, the gentleman greeting everyone at the door does so with a personalized affair. "Good Evening. How are you? How many in your party? Have you ever been here before. No problem. . ." All with a gentle smile. This must be the warmest welcome Iºve ever received upon entering a club anywhere. You enter and I immediately responded to the environment with a smile. Nice atmosphere, very stylish with couches, a bed, high ceiling, multiple bars (of course), everyone acting mature and having fun. But wait I thought, this doesn´t seem very busy to me. So I asked the bartender and found out that although it was 2:30, the place doesnºt get busy until 3:30, 4 a.m. NICE! The downstairs dance floor was big but not big enough by, yes, 4 a.m. And the sound system was incredibly clear, crisp and massive. My ears were pounding until dinner the next day. Needless to say, I got home around 7:30 a.m. and when I left, the dance floor was just as packed and hopping as when it started. I learned that after this club, people move on to another called, Kremlin until mid day, then on to another place for the remainder of the following day. I couldnºt hang and I might have to say, thatºs a first. Iºm impressed!

I was awakened the next day at 1 by my friend to go to a Sex Fair. I was, of course, reluctant to go but after some arm twisting I gave in. No stories to mention - just pictures and a few movies. I do love this camera :)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Lora, Finally heard from your uncle Howard today and hopefully conveyed the correct blog address to him. I gathered they have been having some computer problems. He is to call back if he cant bring it up. Hope your taking lots of pictures. Looks like you got out of London good time. Keep safe Love Dad

4:46 PM  

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