Thursday, January 12, 2006

Miscellaneous crazy tidbits of interest

Below are a few miscellaneous items you might find interesting:

It can rain in Cairo.
The subway runs every 3 minutes, is packed until 10 p.m. at night and is still hot in the winter.
Some cats here look the size of small dogs but more vicious.
Not many theives here because if caught, the public beat the hell out of the person BEFORE they even make it to the police station.
Yes, it can get cold here.

I believe cats rule this country.
I can't find baking soda - ANYWHERE.
Ignorance IS bliss.
Divorce rate here is approx. equal to USA.
There are less commercials on TV here than in USA - can someone tell me why?
Quality of clothing here sucks.
If Egyptians are going to copy brand names, the least they could do is spell them correctly; ex. Disel, Adiddas!
To a taxi driver, Egyptian + foreigner = 2 foreigners.
Egypts answer for comedy = Adel Imam; this guy is hilarious even if I can't understand Arabic.
Most Egyptians have never seen snow.
When visiting the US Embassy here, don't expect to see an American.
Christmas is on January 7th (Coptic) - still no lights though.
I still need to figure out what Sufism is and how it relates to India and Buddhism.

The sidewalk curbs here are at least one foot high (certainly not for heavy rain waters).
Mediterranean cultures seem to like loud noises a lot.
I finally saw my first postman delivering mail in Egypt and I've been here over 2 months.
Health standards are lacking at best - my friend took me to one of the best juice stands here in Doqqi; while taking my first sip I noticed that all 3 guys behind the counter serving juice had cigarettes dangling out of their mouths.
The marble here in these buildings is amazingly beautiful and vast!
The Chinese sell door to door here too!
Absolutely no road rage here - everyone takes advantage of a space w/o ego.
Queue? What's that?
They deliver anything you want here - anywhere & anytime.
Mopeds with cracked, blown but loud car speakers abound.
Napolean got around - and so did the English!
I still can't read Arabic.
The kids here are brats.
I've concluded that it is impossible to do more than one thing per day due to such things as traffic, most everything is recorded or maintained on paper - not computer, business and govt. slim hours and holidays, and absolutely no logic regarding organization.
Almost every man's name here is Ahmed, Mohamed or Mostafa.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

jambo lora!

arrived safely in nairobi and am loving it-it's green and it's quiet! hope you had a great weekend in cairo. ..i saw my friend (egyptian) before i left and she said there IS baking soda in egypt. they call it 'bicarbonate soda'. she mentioned a grocery store called 'metro'. let me know if you find it and drop me a note sometime...

peace to you, doreen

3:11 AM  

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