Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Namaste meets Shukran

Upon early completion of my course, I exited myself out of Nepal and am now back in Egypt! I hate to say it but I was ready to leave countries of Hinduism. I will miss very much the Tibetans though - their culture and way of life is so amazingly beautiful. What a beautiful people I have met - thank you to all that I encountered. And a special thanks to the few in Boudha that take care of the small black dog that was sick. Thanks to the volunteer vet that gave me medicine and to those that feed her now! I just heard from a friend that she is still doing well - what a sweet dog she is! Perhaps her next life will be in an upper realm.

Yes, I'm back in Egypt - land of the Pharoahs. Feels so good to be back in the Middle East. This time will feel a bit different due to not only the cooler weather (everyone thinks its cold but to a westerner, this feels like a wrm spring day), but now spending more time learning about Egyptian culture, Islam, hopefully learn more about Pharonic history, more Arabic & see a few sights that I missed last time. Would love to hit Dahab and just got back from spending 5 days in Alexandria on the Mediterranean Sea. Beautiful city and such fresh air.

Having returned, Egypt has a different perspective for me especially after having spent time in India and Nepal. I can appreciate more of this place and delve deeper into it's roots. It doesn't feel like such a shock and this time it appears more westernized than Asia - or at least for Cairo. I'll just say that crossing the street feels a whole lot easier now!


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