Sunday, November 06, 2005


No folks, its not a type of dance - this is the second largest town in Nepal - port of entry for the Annapurna range (Himalayas). Quite a change to the congested Kathmandu, Pokhara is fairly quiet, relaxed, with fresh air and beautiful views nearly surrounding this quaint large village. The people are nice and an extra bonus, almost no traffic! It is easy to come here and fall in love - I mean, with the place, of course!

The mountains here range from 6,997m and above - no doubt they look that high too as I believe I sit only at 1,441m, roughly. My mouth nearly dropped as I caught my first glimpse of the fishtail peak - I don't think an artist could concievably paint a more perfect mountain peak than this one - ok, maybe the Matterhorn might be considered perfect but hey, you get the picture. As one sits and watches them, you can see the aftermath of what must be high winds sweeping the snow off into the upper stratosphere. Prestine. Powerful. Scarry! Trekking here is a different line of work compared to our simple Rocky Mountains for these rocks beckon anyone who dares to take them on. Just a few weeks ago a French & Nepali trekking party perished in a surprise avalanche that ripped through their base campsite as they slept for the night.

A unique valley lay below these mountains full of jungle, banana & papaya trees, army ants, rice fields & unfettered Nepali culture. The homes on the hillside and in the valley are so simple yet beautiful and clean. Everything looks so organized all the way to the rice fields and how they lay down the grasses in order to dry which gives all the various colors if you view from the sky (rhyme not intended). So many ways of these peoples that help them survive and maintain their happiness.


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