Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Silly girl, tricks are for monkeys

Ok, so yet another story about monkeys. . .

I was walking one day in mcLeod Ganj (I know, I'm still behind on my posts as I'm already in Nepal) to a local healing center run by an American girl and a kiwi girl. The location is nice and a just a short walk just above town. As I walked inside the gate I noticed a monkey walking in my direction and on a 2 foot wall. Feeling a bit bold I decided to stop and see if he would notice me or take interest. Yes, I know you are prolly thinking, bad move, Lora. Anyway, I stopped, probably smiled, and said something to the monkey in a nice voice - kind of like I would a dog. The monkey stopped and actually made eye contact (which is something I notice they don't do much of with people). He looked away again as I continued to stand there, then looked at me again. Curious, I was. Then all of the sudden out of no where he lunged towards me one step with his mouth and teeth open like a growling wolf, hands up as if he'd seen one too many scary movies while stomping his foot at me and proceeded to fake as if he were going to attack me! i quickly got the picture (and understatement) as he did it twice within the course of a second, but without really moving from his position - just pretending to scare me as if knew I needed a monkey lesson. Yes folks, I got trained by a monkey.

As I walked to the center I chuckled to myself knowing that I was pretty fortunate. I told the story to the American, Elyse. She educated me that there are 2 things you should never do to a monkey,
1. make eye contact
2. smile at them (shows your teeth and they think you are acting agressive)

Duly noted. No pic.


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