Saturday, October 08, 2005

Monkeys & Earthquakes

I had two crazy experiences today - Monkeys & Earthquakes! Fortunately, not at the same time.

Monkeys are everywhere here in Dharamsala. Furry little creatures; I know nothing about them. Certainly can't compare to dogs or cats or horses, can you? I had no idea how they might react to me as I walked up this mountainous, wooded road. There must have been at least 20-30 of them including babies and mammas and pappas. As I approached the first one I thought to myself, well, I haven't heard of anyone speak about getting hurt by them so I just see what happens. No problem - the bloke didn't even pay me any attention. That's no fun. The second, third, fourth, 20th - no change - they paid me no mind. I was within a few feet of them watching them pick each other's butts and arms and legs for probably bugs or whatever else leaches on to them. Cute little things. No, I did not go over to pet them - still not sure about them and their behavior yet. But it WAS tempting!

Earlier today I was sitting having breakfast when I felt my bench move. Was someone shaking my bench? Bench? I'm not sitting on a bench; I'm on a chair. How could someone shake my chair? Man, I must be a bit light-headed cuz now it feels like the floor is moving but when I looked down, I couldn't see the floor move. As my eyes got bigger, a Tibetan guy across from me was laughing at my facial reactions for he knew what was happening. And then, we all looked at each other and got the heck out of the place - Earthquake! It wasn't much but enough to feel weird and strange to me. Nothing major happened here but apparently it came from Pakistan and apparently alot of people died there.

Mother Nature - why isn't she a God?


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