Saturday, September 24, 2005

Mumbai, India

I arrived in Mumbai around 9/21. Although my stay is happily a short one, I would like to convey that I have heard Mumbai is not representative of the rest of India. Let's hope so because if this is the case, I'm going home.

I realize that I have only seen a piece of this large city but straight away I can attest that prices are sky high compared to the rest of the country and the crazy amounts of disgusting things I have smelled and seen are enough for me to, well, I refrain from the rest of this sentence.

The next financial powerhouse of the world, this place has some potholes. Poor people are everywhere here. Begging for food or money or whatever you'll give them. They sleep on the sidewalks, one after the next with sometimes a row of 20 or more side by side curling up next to each other. They sleep anywhere and noise doesn't matter. Yesterday I say a guy sleeping at an 6 street intersection next to the light post and the curb. Constantly looking down stepping over these people, it becomes impossible to walk and look around at the sites sometimes.

This country displays the second country I've seen where the rich are super rich and the poor are poor and there's no in between. You can't tell me there isn't something wrong here.

Today I see sunshine - a welcome to the monsoon seasons end. Flooding is inevitable here.

So far the food has been great but trying to take it easy and not to hit my intestines with curry 24, 7. I'm sure as I venture north and away from large cities, finding anything but Indian food may be more difficult. Dont' get me wrong, I love Indian food but I don't want to become sick of it any time soon. Ummmm, Rogan Josh, marsala, Mango Lassi! Stay tuned for more updates. . .


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