Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Mother Earth versus the Pharohs

Something odd occurs in Egypt (perhaps the entire Middle East) and maybe someone can clue me in.

Egyptians are extremely proud of their country. Some tell me they would never adopt another country, even if they could. "I love my country; it is beautiful." They all seem very happy and proud. Proud of their people, the Muslims, culture, food, their history, their diverse land, everything! So very very proud. Even more delighted when you speak or try to speak their language. They love it! They also seem very fond of their history through the Pharohs. Who wouldn't? They amount of history here is so deep and immense - it's difficult to define without an Egyptologist's aid. There are so many ruins, artifacts, hierogliphics, symbology, meaning of life, interpretation, etc. To understand it all would take months maybe years of study! So much to behold. They must have had so much to tell.

But why, I ask, why is there so much trash. It lay in the streets, in gulleys at the pyramids, in the Nile, - almost everywhere. It's terrible. What's worse about it is seeing them throw trash out with no regard for the Earth - for the people - and at the very least, out of respect for their beautiful land. Are they not proud of that? Or is this another custom I'm not aware of? Either way, it saddens me to see it since I find it the most disappointing sight of all. It is difficult to understand this piece about the Egyptians and all I can find is sadness for the children who grow up amongst it.


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