Saturday, September 24, 2005

Aswan, Egypt

This post is way overdue since I visited Aswan about 3 weeks ago. But never the less, it deserves some comments. Ok, backlashing might be more appropriate.

Aswan definitely left a bad taste in my mouth. Not because I felt unwelcome. Not because it was boring. No, no, that certainly was not the case. Boring is not a word that comes to mind when I think of Aswan. The weather wasn't primo but instead, primo-hot may explain how I felt at times. But this is also not what I'm talking about. The amount of scaming and talking up a storm of unbelieveable rates is proposterious, to say the least. I think it was the low season since we couldn't hardly walk anywhere without touts foaming at the mouth.

Personally, I may never go back unless it is to see Abu Simbel 3 hours south. Otherwise, Aswan was disappointing.

I do have to say that these people are in need of money and this is their way of making a living. I will say without hesitation - these people don't steal. There are none or next to no theives in Egypt. Instead they take right in front of you and the only way you can hope to rival is by experience and wit. One day Brian and i went to buy two waters which we knew should only cost about EL4 - no more than 5. Dude quoted us EL30! What! I told they guy he was crazy. "no ma'am, I'm not crazy". We walked away. Oh but then the price became 4. Yep folks, people getted robbed right in front of their eyes in the most honest way these people know how. But is it honest?

To us foreigners, this method of marketing and sales is deceitful, true. However, in a third world society that may pull in barely enough to provide for their family, this is all they know. I have to admit, our countries do it too! Lots of companies charge unreasonable rates knowing full well their prices are inflated taking advantage of people who don't know any better OR people who have no other choice but to buy from this vendor. Take movie theatres who charge a price for one cup of pop what I could buy a 12 pack at a grocery store. Car dealers who purposefully charge way more for a car in anticipation of a buyer offering x amount less. It's all a game. We all do it and we are all perpitraitors as well as victims! The only difference is we have fancy signs and methods of advertsing - these people have two hands and vocal chords. It's all relative!

It's been happening since BC and will continue at least until goverments stop being corrupt and display some honesty dispite greed. I won't hold my breathe.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

How true! MAybe we can support this idea: "LEt us have an honesty race. Let us compete in relieving suffering and ignorance and disease; in respecting national independence worldwide [This should be a given!]; in formulating and implementing an ethic for responsible stewardship of the planet." -Carl Sagan "Billions & Billions"

8:14 PM  

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