Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Meditation - Time out

Welp, its that time of the year (for me, anyway). I am registered for a one month meditation retreat (finally) here in Kathmandu at Kopan Monastery, www.kopan-monastery.com. I start tomorrow, the 9th of November and am out, on the 9th of December. I'm very excited and a bit anxious especially since I find it hard to believe that I can sit still and think about nothing for more than 10 minutes. If they don't throw me out for shooting spit wads or yelling "FIRE!", then I will reap great rewards. Otherwise, I'll have a long walk home.

Wish me luck and consider this blog, TBC (to be continued). Yep you guessed it, I'll have no access to all those lovely technologies we think we can't live without; TV, radio, music, cell phone, internet, satellites, GPS, computer, alarm systems, and my favorite, TRAFFIC! I will rest on a wee hill outside of Kathmandu and contemplate man's future (well, really mine) & see if I can find a cure for bird flu. Other than that, I am healthy and alive and living life here in Nepal as best I know how. Hope everyone is fine and I'll bring out the next blog edition sometime after December 9th. Stay tuned. . .



Anonymous Anonymous said...

We’ve talked about my own attempts at introspection. I found a couple of hours challenging. At the least, a month will stretch something in your brain. I hope there is something else to do during the month. Perhaps you can eat, exercise, art…
I’m really looking forward to your next post.

10:40 AM  
Blogger lora said...

When you post, please sign your name - would love to know! Thanks.

6:19 AM  

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