Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Unaccustomed to Customs

Dear Customs Inspector; Hong Kong,

The purpose of this letter is to inform you as politely as I can of a situation I hope you can remedy. I sent a very important package from Kathmandu, Nepal to the USA sometime around November 29, 2005. You remember the USA - that country across the ocean who accuses you of devaluing your currency in order to somehow piss off our businesses; Tom Gates included. Or if that doesn't ring a bell, we're the ones that had to land our U.S. spy plane on Chinese soil after colliding with your Chinese fighter jet back in 2001- you know, you wouldn't give us our plane or crew members back. Yea; that's us!

I respectively received my valuable package here in the USA since I arrived back. However, I seem to be missing one very fragile item - a CD of all my photos taken in India and Nepal. Funny, I found the sleeve for the CD and even the receipt from the Fuji photo shop for copying the photos TO the CD, but no CD in sight. :( Perhaps my first mistake was using Fuji? Is that what this is all about? Hey, if it's any consolation, my only other option in Thamel was Kodak - which would you have chose? Whatever the case, please return my CD - it does not serve any political situation, group or party - well, except for the photo party I was planning on having amongst a few friends who also have no affiliation - I swear on Buddha.

If you do come across this CD, please send it first class to:

Lora Hish
666 Upyours Avenue
Denver, CO.
80210 US frickin' A

Thanks a bunch, Mr. Customs Inspector. You're the best!

Yours Smoothly thanks to CL,

Lora lu


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