Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Day 4, Q&A with Thich Nhat Hanh

See first post from 3/28/06 for intro. . .

Day 4 with Thich Nhat Hanh. Q&A session - 7/14/05:

Mindful breathing and mindful walking keep you in the here and now. Thai's inspiration to become a Buddha - he saw a drawing of the Buddha and the Buddha was calm and smiling and no one around him was doing this so he wanted to be just like the Buddha - that was his first inspiration while in Viet Nam.

The following is an answer to a question that I asked Thai:
If I can't find happiness now, I will never find happiness in the future. I must look at life from a different angle - change my orientation. Break the habits. Challenge myself. Every step that I make should make me happy. If it doesn't, ask myself why. I must enjoy the here and now in order to find happiness. Every breath I should breathe deeply. Change old habits. It will come to me. Change my patterns, my environment, my home. When I'm not happy ask myself why. Challenge myself. Find out why.


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