Thursday, April 06, 2006

New Perspectives

Well, as with any crazy trip, you come back and are in some kind of state of shock. Still feels surreal; I wake up and not sure where I'm at. This past year is a blur - can't believe that all happened. Anyway, here are my fresh perspectives or in some cases, first shocks to the system after hitting the states:

Ice cubes are a luxury
More than one food cuisine
Woah – seeing people in shorts and women’s midrift or even worse, is a trip
Man, its cold
What’s up with all this animal hair?
Nice, more than 2 long sleeve shirts to choose from
Are you sure its ok to put the toilet paper down the toilet
Ahh, real q-tips!
The Kleenex here is so soft
Americans are weird.
Do I really have to stop at the stop signs?
Which way is University avenue?
Denver has pollution? Where?
Bummer, I can’t bargain any prices down – so boring just to walk in somewhere and pay asking price
It is hard for me to leave the house without some spare toilet paper
Its feels strange unpacking all my clothes
Wow – a real bed
Fresh air is nice
Yeah, Chipotle! Where have you been all my life?
Where’s my TV and my cell phone?
How do you use this thing?
Ah, I forgot I had that.
What’s that noise?
Bathtubs are excellent for taking baths.
You Americans are sooooo lucky but you just don't know it!
Wow – people exercising!
What? What happened to gas prices? Geeooorrrgggee?
Blue and brown theme in every store? What took them so long?
There’s a gadget for every little thing we possibly might want to do – pssst, I have a secret – it’s all a marketing scam!
Feels so strange to wear shorts

I really save all this stuff - I should have thrown that out years ago.
My dogs are still so beautiful!
I cherish my friends and family


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