Thursday, April 06, 2006

Epsom, NH

I left Cairo behind and flew into Boston on March 23rd. Going to see Pete Kerouac and Sarah Barnum! Great friends if you know them! They live near a small town called Epsom, NH. Never been to New England.

Coming back to the states is strange at the very least. Just seems that Americans are their own breed of people and culture. However, I was able to relax and enjoy the country living that Pete and Sarah have acquired and slowly emerse myself back into western standards. Visiting the grocery store was my first major reality check aside from London Heathrow, Terminal 3.

I love Pete and Sarah's home. It sits on a solid 4 acres, 2 of which protudes of thick timber and a slew of wild turkeys. Felt like I was the only person around when they were at work. Fresh air, beautiful bird sounds, a multitude of ladybugs. . . Their house is lovely too - charming and an original. Just a great place to get away from it all.

Hearing the New England accent was strange for me especially when I'm not used to it and coming from Arabic. Actually I'm not sure that I've really heard this accent in person before - I just thought maybe the Kennedy's were the only ones who spoke like this :)

New England is lovely and beautiful. But I think the winters might be too cold and the summers too hot for my blood. I had an excellent visit though and relaxed in peacefulness. Thanks Pete and Sarah for your hospitality and great food, Sarah - if we can keep the mice out of it!


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