Saturday, April 08, 2006

Seclusion, an illusion

Rumor has it I'm back. Is it true - am I really sitting in my very own dining room typing this blog away? Woah . . .listening to my favorite Proton radio, spending time with my animals again & staring blankly at a house that needs some serious TLC. Can it be that I made it back, alive? Did I really do all that? I think Dad was surprised! Ok, so am I.

Speaking English like a Zombie - just seems I have to think a little harder about what I want to say. . . yea I know, what's new, right?

Seems like alot has changed around here - land has been leveled, new shops, houses excavated, new technology, new cell phone plans, more people married - gee, has it really been that long. What's I-25 look like?

Its good to be back. I'm happy to report I won't be moving any time soon - well, for now anyway. Denver suits me just fine and a real job, well, a job can fill in the gaps for now. I'll take things as they come. One store at a time, one friend in each pocket.

The good news is I feel I came back richer than before I left. Met some amazing people; saw some incredible sights. Denver ain't so bad though. No, not so bad at all! I'm here and now feel ready.


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