Friday, June 16, 2006

Top 5 Questions

For those of you STILL reading this blog, here's an update.

Since my return, I've been asked many questions - most of which are repeated. So I thought maybe I should just post a summary of the top 5 most asked questions; here they are:

5. Did I have fun/would I do it again? No shit, Sherlock. (more appropriate answer): Yes, I had a great time. I would definitely do it again but differently.

4. Did I ever feel unsafe? No - never. Felt safer in Egypt than in London but never felt unsafe. Oddly enough though, in 3 places I had attacks (don't want to say the "b" word or else my email will be tapped by our trusting govt.) happen shortly after I left - I mean, within a months time; London, Paharganj in Delhi, India & Egypt. Weird.

3. How did I save all my pictures? I had a digital camera with CF cards. As I filled those up I downloaded them to a CD and also backed them up on my photo Ipod, 30 gig, just in case a CD broke or got lost - which happened.

2. Where did I go?
England, Scotland, Ireland, France, Portugal, Greece, Austria, Egypt (twice), India, Nepal, and a stimp in New Hampshire and Missouri, USA.

1. Which country did I like the best?
I'd have to say that one of my favorite places was Austria! Amazing views, great culture and great people. I loved it there; reminded me of home. But as a true tourist out of your element, I really loved Egypt - so much history, culture, who can beat the pyramids, and the people - oh my gosh, the people are soooo nice. wonderful people, really! Arabic language is beautiful also. Felt very welcomed - hard to believe to some of you.

I'd like to pose a question back to those of you who read this:
Anyone know of a good program for making a movie or some kind of cool slide show for all my pictures? I have so many pictures that I feel a bit overwhelmed of where to start with them and how to make them viewer-friendly. Half way through my trip I got a great idea - group my pictures by topic, and not by country. For example, show a group of pictures of all the different taxis that each country uses. Or another group showing typical dress, etc. Something that keeps the viewer's attention. Of course, I can't show all the pictures that way but might make for some fun groupings. Any ideas? And while you're at it assuming this media would be big, how can I make it available on the internet or some other fashion so that others across the globe can view it if they fancy? Thanks. You can either post here or send me an email: and thanks for reading.