Friday, June 16, 2006

Top 5 Questions

For those of you STILL reading this blog, here's an update.

Since my return, I've been asked many questions - most of which are repeated. So I thought maybe I should just post a summary of the top 5 most asked questions; here they are:

5. Did I have fun/would I do it again? No shit, Sherlock. (more appropriate answer): Yes, I had a great time. I would definitely do it again but differently.

4. Did I ever feel unsafe? No - never. Felt safer in Egypt than in London but never felt unsafe. Oddly enough though, in 3 places I had attacks (don't want to say the "b" word or else my email will be tapped by our trusting govt.) happen shortly after I left - I mean, within a months time; London, Paharganj in Delhi, India & Egypt. Weird.

3. How did I save all my pictures? I had a digital camera with CF cards. As I filled those up I downloaded them to a CD and also backed them up on my photo Ipod, 30 gig, just in case a CD broke or got lost - which happened.

2. Where did I go?
England, Scotland, Ireland, France, Portugal, Greece, Austria, Egypt (twice), India, Nepal, and a stimp in New Hampshire and Missouri, USA.

1. Which country did I like the best?
I'd have to say that one of my favorite places was Austria! Amazing views, great culture and great people. I loved it there; reminded me of home. But as a true tourist out of your element, I really loved Egypt - so much history, culture, who can beat the pyramids, and the people - oh my gosh, the people are soooo nice. wonderful people, really! Arabic language is beautiful also. Felt very welcomed - hard to believe to some of you.

I'd like to pose a question back to those of you who read this:
Anyone know of a good program for making a movie or some kind of cool slide show for all my pictures? I have so many pictures that I feel a bit overwhelmed of where to start with them and how to make them viewer-friendly. Half way through my trip I got a great idea - group my pictures by topic, and not by country. For example, show a group of pictures of all the different taxis that each country uses. Or another group showing typical dress, etc. Something that keeps the viewer's attention. Of course, I can't show all the pictures that way but might make for some fun groupings. Any ideas? And while you're at it assuming this media would be big, how can I make it available on the internet or some other fashion so that others across the globe can view it if they fancy? Thanks. You can either post here or send me an email: and thanks for reading.

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Unaccustomed to Customs

Dear Customs Inspector; Hong Kong,

The purpose of this letter is to inform you as politely as I can of a situation I hope you can remedy. I sent a very important package from Kathmandu, Nepal to the USA sometime around November 29, 2005. You remember the USA - that country across the ocean who accuses you of devaluing your currency in order to somehow piss off our businesses; Tom Gates included. Or if that doesn't ring a bell, we're the ones that had to land our U.S. spy plane on Chinese soil after colliding with your Chinese fighter jet back in 2001- you know, you wouldn't give us our plane or crew members back. Yea; that's us!

I respectively received my valuable package here in the USA since I arrived back. However, I seem to be missing one very fragile item - a CD of all my photos taken in India and Nepal. Funny, I found the sleeve for the CD and even the receipt from the Fuji photo shop for copying the photos TO the CD, but no CD in sight. :( Perhaps my first mistake was using Fuji? Is that what this is all about? Hey, if it's any consolation, my only other option in Thamel was Kodak - which would you have chose? Whatever the case, please return my CD - it does not serve any political situation, group or party - well, except for the photo party I was planning on having amongst a few friends who also have no affiliation - I swear on Buddha.

If you do come across this CD, please send it first class to:

Lora Hish
666 Upyours Avenue
Denver, CO.
80210 US frickin' A

Thanks a bunch, Mr. Customs Inspector. You're the best!

Yours Smoothly thanks to CL,

Lora lu

Saturday, April 08, 2006

Seclusion, an illusion

Rumor has it I'm back. Is it true - am I really sitting in my very own dining room typing this blog away? Woah . . .listening to my favorite Proton radio, spending time with my animals again & staring blankly at a house that needs some serious TLC. Can it be that I made it back, alive? Did I really do all that? I think Dad was surprised! Ok, so am I.

Speaking English like a Zombie - just seems I have to think a little harder about what I want to say. . . yea I know, what's new, right?

Seems like alot has changed around here - land has been leveled, new shops, houses excavated, new technology, new cell phone plans, more people married - gee, has it really been that long. What's I-25 look like?

Its good to be back. I'm happy to report I won't be moving any time soon - well, for now anyway. Denver suits me just fine and a real job, well, a job can fill in the gaps for now. I'll take things as they come. One store at a time, one friend in each pocket.

The good news is I feel I came back richer than before I left. Met some amazing people; saw some incredible sights. Denver ain't so bad though. No, not so bad at all! I'm here and now feel ready.

Thursday, April 06, 2006

New Perspectives

Well, as with any crazy trip, you come back and are in some kind of state of shock. Still feels surreal; I wake up and not sure where I'm at. This past year is a blur - can't believe that all happened. Anyway, here are my fresh perspectives or in some cases, first shocks to the system after hitting the states:

Ice cubes are a luxury
More than one food cuisine
Woah – seeing people in shorts and women’s midrift or even worse, is a trip
Man, its cold
What’s up with all this animal hair?
Nice, more than 2 long sleeve shirts to choose from
Are you sure its ok to put the toilet paper down the toilet
Ahh, real q-tips!
The Kleenex here is so soft
Americans are weird.
Do I really have to stop at the stop signs?
Which way is University avenue?
Denver has pollution? Where?
Bummer, I can’t bargain any prices down – so boring just to walk in somewhere and pay asking price
It is hard for me to leave the house without some spare toilet paper
Its feels strange unpacking all my clothes
Wow – a real bed
Fresh air is nice
Yeah, Chipotle! Where have you been all my life?
Where’s my TV and my cell phone?
How do you use this thing?
Ah, I forgot I had that.
What’s that noise?
Bathtubs are excellent for taking baths.
You Americans are sooooo lucky but you just don't know it!
Wow – people exercising!
What? What happened to gas prices? Geeooorrrgggee?
Blue and brown theme in every store? What took them so long?
There’s a gadget for every little thing we possibly might want to do – pssst, I have a secret – it’s all a marketing scam!
Feels so strange to wear shorts

I really save all this stuff - I should have thrown that out years ago.
My dogs are still so beautiful!
I cherish my friends and family

Epsom, NH

I left Cairo behind and flew into Boston on March 23rd. Going to see Pete Kerouac and Sarah Barnum! Great friends if you know them! They live near a small town called Epsom, NH. Never been to New England.

Coming back to the states is strange at the very least. Just seems that Americans are their own breed of people and culture. However, I was able to relax and enjoy the country living that Pete and Sarah have acquired and slowly emerse myself back into western standards. Visiting the grocery store was my first major reality check aside from London Heathrow, Terminal 3.

I love Pete and Sarah's home. It sits on a solid 4 acres, 2 of which protudes of thick timber and a slew of wild turkeys. Felt like I was the only person around when they were at work. Fresh air, beautiful bird sounds, a multitude of ladybugs. . . Their house is lovely too - charming and an original. Just a great place to get away from it all.

Hearing the New England accent was strange for me especially when I'm not used to it and coming from Arabic. Actually I'm not sure that I've really heard this accent in person before - I just thought maybe the Kennedy's were the only ones who spoke like this :)

New England is lovely and beautiful. But I think the winters might be too cold and the summers too hot for my blood. I had an excellent visit though and relaxed in peacefulness. Thanks Pete and Sarah for your hospitality and great food, Sarah - if we can keep the mice out of it!

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Day 5, Thich Naht Hanh

See 3/28/06 post for introduction to this topic.

This is day 5 at plum village, 7/15/05:

We need to communicate with our ancestors or else we suffer. Because our ancestors are in every cell of our body. With good communication we never get sick, good health, moral health. To have access to the past. In the present moment we can touch the past and the future. It's the past and the future in the present moment.

The seed of the young corn plant can no longer be seen but its is not dead. We can see the corn seed in the corn plant. A could in the sky never dies - that means to become nothing. So when the cloud becomes rain we no longer see the cloud. When I'm drinking my tea, I see a cloud. We are a cloud.

Let's look at the verb phrase, to be. Nothing can be by itself. The flower is made of non-flower elements; the Sun, water, cloud, earth, cosmos. Same is true with the Sun and the Buddha. With this there is no more war. We have to free ourselves of illusion. The father is not identical to the Sun. (sorry, my notes are rough throughout that paragraph).

Impermanence - we are not identical to ourself. But thanks to continuation we are not different.

Things manifest when conditions are met. For example, a box of matches, etc. Something cannot be born from nothing. Birth and death are notions we have in our head. Nirvana - total absence of all notions. Being and non-being are notions that do not apply to reality. With nirvana acceptance you will not suffer or be scared of the notion of death.

Ask flame - Flame, where did you come from?
Flame: I did not come from anything; when conditions are sufficient, I manifest into a flame.
Ask, Where have you gone, Flame?
Flame: I have not gone anywhere. When conditions are insufficient, I stop manifesting.

There's no coming or going. This applies to our ancestors, ourselves, our Sun, etc. And our true nature is of no birth, no death. I do not believe in defining an actual birth and death date to ourselves. Just like the nature of a cloud. So a cloud is just a continuation. You were not born, you are only a manifestation; happy continuation. So we use the word nirvana.

Space is made of time. And time is made of space. If you remove space from time, then space is no longer space and visa versa.

Nirvana means extinction, absence. It's the extinction of notions. Especially notions that form opposities such as birth/death, same/difference, etc. If you remove those notions, you are free of fear, despair. When you look at a flower and it's nature it is the nature of no coming and no going. Touch nirvana - look into things to be able to touch the nature of impermanence. Non-self - the son being a continuation of the father. There's no separation between father and son. Paper, flame, wave, cloud, flower, etc.

If your son has just left you (for example, miscarriage), he has returned to manifest. You must smile at your son. He has not left you. He will manifest when conditions are met.

Correct what is wrong if you're not happy when you sit. Happiness is NOT a notion. Health of body and mind. You must see the preciousness of life - eat in a way to nourish our mind even just a piece of carrot is precious - the sun, the earth, the rain in that carrot is so delicious!

You taste the deep taste of a piece of bread with the universe. You are then in touch with the teachings of the Buddha; the Dharma. Food is the best medicine. Loving each other; caring for each other is so precious.

In 1993 in Viet Nam people were poor. Now, 2005, they are much better off, more money but now they aren't happy because they have no time - families eat at different times - they're not as happy as in 1993.

Flower is the sprouting of the planet. When you see the flower, you see the planet. I am living for you. I am looking at the sky but I see it with my mother's, father's eyes - I see it for you, mom. I will continue for you.

In this life there is both job and sadness. We are afraid of unhappiness. We are our family. If you understand the deep happiness, you will be able to understand deep suffering. Suffering is a reality. Loving ourselves - we must practice in order to love, you must be compassionate. We love ourself - means we love others. If you love yourself, you'll be happy right away.

One day you must release everything. Go back to the foundation. The table where you eat is your paradise and what's on it. You eat mindfully and take care of your body, your environment. Building paradise.

Day 4, Q&A with Thich Nhat Hanh

See first post from 3/28/06 for intro. . .

Day 4 with Thich Nhat Hanh. Q&A session - 7/14/05:

Mindful breathing and mindful walking keep you in the here and now. Thai's inspiration to become a Buddha - he saw a drawing of the Buddha and the Buddha was calm and smiling and no one around him was doing this so he wanted to be just like the Buddha - that was his first inspiration while in Viet Nam.

The following is an answer to a question that I asked Thai:
If I can't find happiness now, I will never find happiness in the future. I must look at life from a different angle - change my orientation. Break the habits. Challenge myself. Every step that I make should make me happy. If it doesn't, ask myself why. I must enjoy the here and now in order to find happiness. Every breath I should breathe deeply. Change old habits. It will come to me. Change my patterns, my environment, my home. When I'm not happy ask myself why. Challenge myself. Find out why.